Friday, May 9, 2014

Cayley photoshop play :P

   Honestly, I feel like this could use some more work... but I added a text and tried to make the forground less... boring. Also attempted to blend Cayley into the photo as much as I could.

   The picture to the right is the original picture of Cayley and her little dog :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

High Pass

Above is the high pass image, I believe I had already slightly played with the contrast and saturation in the original image. During the process I added three high passes (the last one having a lowered opacity). Additionally after doing the high pass, I also added a noise layer.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Shadow dance lady

During the editing of this picture, we began with the snipping of the separate dancing woman and then sizing it into the stockphoto. We then made it black and lowered the opacity and added blurs.

Coffee Bean Transform and Desaturate