Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Elements of Design

Elements of Design

   The elements of design help add emotion and guidance for the eye in design. 

This has lines that help add
more interest to the original texture.

   A linear mark that can defines shapes and patterns. They help guide the viewers eye towards a point with the direction it moves. Things that can characterize a line is width, length, direction, focus (fuzzy, sharp), and feel (curvy, jagged, etc.).

These geometric objects express a form
with smooth surfaces. Also, these objects
 express a variety of sizes.

Shape and Form: 
  Shape is generally a 2D object that makes a pattern or pictures. 
  Form is generally 3D object that helps make patterns or pictures. This has volume or mass.
  Either of these can be natural or geometric for different designs and patterns.

  Size expresses the contrast between objects. Some may be extremely small while others are ginormous. This helps add variety to a design.

This contains a wonderful example  of
color with the variety of greens and
texture with it's painter's canvas feel.
 The visual and tactile look of an surface. Some objects look smooth or rugged. Textures can generally be seen and expressed by having shading and lighting.

  Colors are the substance of an object created from the reflection of light. These colors can vary from vibrant to dull colors. Factors that help determine a color are brightness, saturation, and hue.

  The brightness or darkness quality of a piece of art or pattern.  This is generally determined with contrast. Value help determine what is in a picture.